Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Should Note a Few Things...

For a number of these programs we're developing, we were actually given the skeleton to build on top of (especially some of the upcoming networking stuff) so...yeah, if it doesn't seem like some of my other code in style, that's why. ~ A program to translate between various colorspaces

/** Color translation class
Daniel Tanner
January 14th, 2010
CMPT 360

This program will allow for the user to translate
back and forth between different colorspaces.

//import statements
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;

public class ColorModel {
// unless otherwise stated, all color values are
// given as doubles in the range 0.0 - 1.0

// all methods throw an IllegalArgumentException if an unexpected argument is encountered

* converts 'additive' RGB to 'subtractive' CMY
* @param rgb - color in RGB space
* @return color in CMY space
public static double[] RGBtoCMY (double[] rgb) {
for(int index = 0; index < 3; index++)
rgb[index] = 1.0 - rgb[index];
return rgb;

* converts 'subtractive' CMY to 'additive' RGB
* @param cmy - color in CMY space
* @return color in RGB space
public static double[] CMYtoRGB (double[] cmy) {
for(int index = 0; index < 3; index++)
cmy[index] = 1.0 - cmy[index];
return cmy;

* converts color from RGB to HSV color space
* hue will be a number between 0..360
* @param rgb - color in RGB space
* @return color in HSV space
public static double[] RGBtoHSV (double[] rgb)
double min = rgb[0], max = rgb[0], h = 0, s = 0, v = 0;

//find the max and the min
for(int index = 1; index < 3; index++)
if(max < rgb[index])
max = rgb[index];
if(min > rgb[index])
min = rgb[index];

//finding h (according to wikipedia)
if(max == min)
h = 0;

if(max == rgb[0]) //if max = r
h = (60 * ((rgb[1] - rgb[2])/(max - min)) + 360) % 360;

if(max == rgb[1]) //if max = g
h = (60 * (rgb[2] - rgb[0])/(max - min)) + 120;

if(max == rgb[2]) //if max = b
h = (60 * (rgb[0] - rgb[1])/(max - min)) + 240;

//determine s
if(max == 0)
s = 0;
s = (max - min)/max;
v = max;
//put all variables into array

rgb[0] = h; rgb[1] = s; rgb[2] = v;
return rgb;

* converts color from HSV to RGB color space
* hue will be a number between 0..360
* @param hsv - color in HSV space
* @return color in RGB space
public static double[] HSVtoRGB (double[] hsv)
//using same variable names as wikipedia's article
double i = (hsv[0] / 60) % 6;
double f = (hsv[0] / 60) - (hsv[0] / 60);
double p = hsv[2] * (1 - hsv[1]);
double q = hsv[2] * (1- f * hsv[1]);
double t = hsv[2] * (1 - (1 - f) * hsv[1]);
double v = hsv[2];

//compute RGB based on i
case 0:
hsv[0] = v; hsv[1] = t; hsv[2] = p;
case 1:
hsv[0] = q; hsv[1] = v; hsv[2] = p;
case 2:
hsv[0] = p; hsv[1] = v; hsv[2] = t;
case 3:
hsv[0] = p; hsv[1] = q; hsv[2] = v;
case 4:
hsv[0] = t; hsv[1] = p; hsv[2] = v;
case 5:
hsv[0] = v; hsv[1] = p; hsv[2] = q;
return hsv;

* converts color from RGB to YIQ color space
* @param rgb - color in RGB space
* @return color in YIQ space
public static double[] RGBtoYIQ (double[] rgb)
//create Matrices
double [][] toYIQNums = {{.299, .587, .114}, {.596, -.275, -.321}, {.212, -.523, .311}};
Matrix linearTransform = new Matrix(toYIQNums);
Matrix rGBMatrix = new Matrix(rgb, 3);

//run the linear transformation (matrix multiplication)
linearTransform = linearTransform.times(rGBMatrix);
rgb = linearTransform.getRowPackedCopy();

return rgb;

* converts color from YIQ to RGB color space
* @param yiq - color in YIQ space
* @return color in RGB space
public static double[] YIQtoRGB (double[] yiq)
//create Matrices
double [][] toRGBNums = {{1.0, .956, .621}, {1.0, -.272, -.647}, {1.0, -1.105, 1.702}};
Matrix linearTransform = new Matrix(toRGBNums);
Matrix yIQMatrix = new Matrix(yiq, 3);

//run the linear transformation (matrix multiplication)
linearTransform = linearTransform.times(yIQMatrix);
yiq = linearTransform.getRowPackedCopy();
return yiq;

* converts color from RGB to CIE XYZ color space
* @param rgb - color in RGB space
* @return color in CIE XYZ space
public static double[] RGBtoXYZ (double[] rgb)
//create Matrices
double [][] toXYZNums = {{.412453, .357580, .180423}, {.212671, .715160, .072169}, {.019334, .119193, .950227}};
Matrix linearTransform = new Matrix(toXYZNums);
Matrix rGBMatrix = new Matrix(rgb, 3);

//run the linear transformation (matrix multiplication)
linearTransform = linearTransform.times(rGBMatrix);
rgb = linearTransform.getRowPackedCopy();
return rgb;

* converts color from CIE XYZ to RGB color space
* @param xyz - color in XYZ space
* @return color in RGB space
public static double[] XYZtoRGB (double[] xyz)
//Create Matrices
double [][] toRGBNums = {{3.240479, -1.537150, -0.498535}, {-.969256, 1.875992, .041556}, {.055648, -.204043, 1.057311}};
Matrix linearTransform = new Matrix(toRGBNums);
Matrix xYZMatrix = new Matrix(xyz, 3);

//run the linear transformation (matrix multiplication)
linearTransform = linearTransform.times(xYZMatrix);
xyz = linearTransform.getRowPackedCopy();
return xyz;

* converts color from RGB to CIE Lab color space
* @param rgb - color in RGB space
* @return color in CIE Lab space
public static double[] RGBtoCIELab (double[] rgb)
//start by converting to XYZ colorspace
rgb = RGBtoXYZ(rgb);

//Create variables needed for functions
double ySubN = 100.000;
double xSubN = 95.047;
double zSubN = 108.883;
double uSubN = .2009;
double vSubN = .4610;

/* At this point we use the function f(t)
such that:
f(t) = t^(1/3) t > (6/29)^3
f(t) = (1/3(29/6)^2)t + 4/29 t <= (6/29)^3
for x, y, and z and then plug the resulting number
into a function for L*, a*, and b* as pulled from wikipedia

double functX = rgb[0] / xSubN;
double functY = rgb[1] / ySubN;
double functZ = rgb[2] / zSubN;

if(functX > Math.pow(6.0/29.0, 3.0))
functX = Math.pow(functX, 1.0/3.0);
functX = (1.0/3.0)*(Math.pow(29.0 / 6.0, 2.0)*(functX) + 4.0 / 29.0);

if(functY > Math.pow(6.0/29.0, 3.0))
functY = Math.pow(functY, 1.0/3.0);
functY = (1.0/3.0)*(Math.pow(29.0 / 6.0, 2.0)*(functY) + 4.0 / 29.0);

if(functZ > Math.pow(6.0/29.0, 3.0))
functZ = Math.pow(functZ, 1.0/3.0);
functZ = (1.0/3.0)*(Math.pow(29.0 / 6.0, 2.0)*(functZ) + 4.0 / 29.0);

//using functions from Wikipedia to get L, A, and B
double l = 116.0 * functY - 16;
double a = 500.0 * (functX - functY);
double b = 200.0 * (functY - functZ);
rgb[0] = l; rgb[1] = a; rgb[2] = b;

return rgb;

* converts color from CIE Lab to RGB color space
* @param lab - color in CIE Lab space
* @return color in RGB space
public static double[] CIELabtoRGB (double[] lab)
//Create variables
double x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
double ySubN = 100.000;
double xSubN = 95.047;
double zSubN = 108.883;
double uSubN = .2009;
double vSubN = .4610;
double delta = 6.0 / 29.0;

//Create functions pulled from wikipedia (steps 1-6)
double functY = (lab[0] + 16) / 116.0;
double functX = functY + lab[1] / 500.0;
double functZ = functY - lab[2] / 200.0;

if(functY > delta)
y = ySubN * Math.pow(functY, 3.0);
y = (functY - 16.0/116.0) * 3.0 * Math.pow(delta, 2.0) * ySubN;

if(functX > delta)
x = xSubN * Math.pow(functX, 3.0);
x = (functX - 16.0/116.0) * 3 * Math.pow(delta, 2.0) * xSubN;

if(functZ > delta)
z = zSubN * Math.pow(functZ, 3.0);
z = (functZ - 16.0 / 116.0) * 3 * Math.pow(delta, 2.0) * zSubN;

lab[0] = x; lab[1] = y; lab[2] = z;

//end by converting from xyz to rgb
lab = XYZtoRGB(lab);
return lab;

* converts color from RGB to CIE Luv color space
* @param rgb - color in RGB space
* @return color in CIE Luv space
public static double[] RGBtoCIELuv (double[] rgb)
//start by converting to XYZ
rgb = RGBtoXYZ(rgb);

//Create Variables
double ySubN = 100.000;
double xSubN = 95.047;
double zSubN = 108.883;
double uSubN = .2009;
double vSubN = .4610;
double l = 0, u = 0, v = 0;
double delta = 6.0 / 29.0;

//functions according to wikipedia
double functY = rgb[1] / ySubN;
double uPrime = 4.0 * rgb[0] / (rgb[0] + 15.0 * rgb[1] + 3.0 * rgb[2]); //IE u' = 4x / (x + 15y + 3z)
double vPrime = 9.0 * rgb[1] / (rgb[0] + 15.0 * rgb[1] + 3.0 * rgb[2]);

if(functY > Math.pow(delta, 3.0))
l = 116.0 * Math.pow(functY, 1.0/3.0) - 16.0;
l = Math.pow(29.0 / 3.0, 3.0) * functY;

u = 13.0 * l * (uPrime - uSubN);
v = 13.0 * l * (vPrime - vSubN);

//Toss results into the array
rgb[0] = l; rgb[1] = u; rgb[2] = v;

return rgb;

* converts color from CIE Luv to RGB color space
* @param luv - color in CIE Luv space
* @return color in RGB space
public static double[] CIELuvtoRGB (double[] luv)
//Create Variables
double ySubN = 100.000;
double xSubN = 95.047;
double zSubN = 108.883;
double uSubN = .2009;
double vSubN = .4610;
double x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;

//Create functions as per wikipedia's instructions
double uPrime = luv[1] / 13 * luv[0] + uSubN;
double vPrime = luv[2] / 13 * luv[0] + vSubN;

if(luv[0] > 8.0)
y = ySubN * (9.0 * uPrime / 4.0 * vPrime);
y = ySubN * luv[0] * Math.pow(3.0 / 29.0, 3.0);

x = y * (9.0 * uPrime / 4.0 * vPrime);
z = y * ((12.0 - 3.0 * uPrime - 20.0 * vPrime) / 4.0 * vPrime);

//toss the xyz results into the array
luv[0] = x; luv[1] = y; luv[2] = z;

//end by converting from XYZ to RGB
luv = XYZtoRGB(luv);
return luv;
} ~ Unit Test Program

/** Unit Test for ColorModel
Author: Daniel J. Tanner
Date: 1/20/2010
Class: CMPT 360 - Computer Graphics

/** This program extends the jUnit TestCase,
in order to test out the colormodel class.
It should be noted that since the colormodel program
deals with doubles, we cannot test that changing from RGB
to some other colorspace and back again will result in
exactly the same value, so we must come up with a way
of determining that said value is close enough to the
original value entered. We will do this by assuming
a standard deviation within .0001 to be accurate enough.

import junit.framework.TestCase;

public class ColorModelTest extends TestCase
//Create variables
private double[] someRGB = {1, .5, .5};

/*isCloseEnough function - returns true if there is < .0001 difference
between two doubles
public boolean isCloseEnough(double x, double y)
if(Math.abs(x - y) < .01)
return true;
return false;


Testing Functions

public void testHSV()
double[] someHSV = ColorModel.RGBtoHSV(someRGB);
someHSV = ColorModel.HSVtoRGB(someHSV);
for(int index = 0; index < 3; index++)
assertTrue(isCloseEnough(someRGB[index], someHSV[index]));

public void testCMY()
//Test RGB to CMY and CMY to RGB
double[] someCMY = ColorModel.RGBtoCMY(someRGB);
someCMY = ColorModel.CMYtoRGB(someCMY);
for(int index = 0; index < 3; index++)
assertTrue(isCloseEnough(someRGB[index], someCMY[index]));

public void testXYZ()
//Test RGB to XYZ and XYZ to RGB
double[] someXYZ = ColorModel.RGBtoXYZ(someRGB);
someXYZ = ColorModel.XYZtoRGB(someXYZ);
for(int index = 0; index < 3; index++)
assertTrue(isCloseEnough(someRGB[index], someXYZ[index]));

public void testYIQ()
//test YIQ
double[] someYIQ = ColorModel.RGBtoYIQ(someRGB);
someYIQ = ColorModel.YIQtoRGB(someYIQ);
for(int index = 0; index < 3; index++)
assertTrue(isCloseEnough(someRGB[index], someYIQ[index]));

public void testLAB()
//test L*A*B*
double[] someLAB = ColorModel.RGBtoCIELab(someRGB);
someLAB = ColorModel.CIELabtoRGB(someLAB);
for(int index = 0; index < 3; index++)
assertTrue(isCloseEnough(someRGB[index], someLAB[index]));

public void testLUV()
//test LUV
double[] someLUV = ColorModel.RGBtoCIELuv(someRGB);
someLUV = ColorModel.CIELuvtoRGB(someLUV);
for(int index = 0; index < 3; index++)
assertTrue(isCloseEnough(someRGB[index], someLUV[index]));