/** Color translation class
Daniel Tanner
January 14th, 2010
CMPT 360
This program will allow for the user to translate
back and forth between different colorspaces.
//import statements
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class ColorModel {
// unless otherwise stated, all color values are
// given as doubles in the range 0.0 - 1.0
// all methods throw an IllegalArgumentException if an unexpected argument is encountered
* converts 'additive' RGB to 'subtractive' CMY
* @param rgb - color in RGB space
* @return color in CMY space
public static double[] RGBtoCMY (double[] rgb) {
for(int index = 0; index < 3; index++)
rgb[index] = 1.0 - rgb[index];
return rgb;
* converts 'subtractive' CMY to 'additive' RGB
* @param cmy - color in CMY space
* @return color in RGB space
public static double[] CMYtoRGB (double[] cmy) {
for(int index = 0; index < 3; index++)
cmy[index] = 1.0 - cmy[index];
return cmy;
* converts color from RGB to HSV color space
* hue will be a number between 0..360
* @param rgb - color in RGB space
* @return color in HSV space
public static double[] RGBtoHSV (double[] rgb)
double min = rgb[0], max = rgb[0], h = 0, s = 0, v = 0;
//find the max and the min
for(int index = 1; index < 3; index++)
if(max < rgb[index])
max = rgb[index];
if(min > rgb[index])
min = rgb[index];
//finding h (according to wikipedia)
if(max == min)
h = 0;
if(max == rgb[0]) //if max = r
h = (60 * ((rgb[1] - rgb[2])/(max - min)) + 360) % 360;
if(max == rgb[1]) //if max = g
h = (60 * (rgb[2] - rgb[0])/(max - min)) + 120;
if(max == rgb[2]) //if max = b
h = (60 * (rgb[0] - rgb[1])/(max - min)) + 240;
//determine s
if(max == 0)
s = 0;
s = (max - min)/max;
v = max;
//put all variables into array
rgb[0] = h; rgb[1] = s; rgb[2] = v;
return rgb;
* converts color from HSV to RGB color space
* hue will be a number between 0..360
* @param hsv - color in HSV space
* @return color in RGB space
public static double[] HSVtoRGB (double[] hsv)
//using same variable names as wikipedia's article
double i = (hsv[0] / 60) % 6;
double f = (hsv[0] / 60) - (hsv[0] / 60);
double p = hsv[2] * (1 - hsv[1]);
double q = hsv[2] * (1- f * hsv[1]);
double t = hsv[2] * (1 - (1 - f) * hsv[1]);
double v = hsv[2];
//compute RGB based on i
case 0:
hsv[0] = v; hsv[1] = t; hsv[2] = p;
case 1:
hsv[0] = q; hsv[1] = v; hsv[2] = p;
case 2:
hsv[0] = p; hsv[1] = v; hsv[2] = t;
case 3:
hsv[0] = p; hsv[1] = q; hsv[2] = v;
case 4:
hsv[0] = t; hsv[1] = p; hsv[2] = v;
case 5:
hsv[0] = v; hsv[1] = p; hsv[2] = q;
return hsv;
* converts color from RGB to YIQ color space
* @param rgb - color in RGB space
* @return color in YIQ space
public static double[] RGBtoYIQ (double[] rgb)
//create Matrices
double [][] toYIQNums = {{.299, .587, .114}, {.596, -.275, -.321}, {.212, -.523, .311}};
Matrix linearTransform = new Matrix(toYIQNums);
Matrix rGBMatrix = new Matrix(rgb, 3);
//run the linear transformation (matrix multiplication)
linearTransform = linearTransform.times(rGBMatrix);
rgb = linearTransform.getRowPackedCopy();
return rgb;
* converts color from YIQ to RGB color space
* @param yiq - color in YIQ space
* @return color in RGB space
public static double[] YIQtoRGB (double[] yiq)
//create Matrices
double [][] toRGBNums = {{1.0, .956, .621}, {1.0, -.272, -.647}, {1.0, -1.105, 1.702}};
Matrix linearTransform = new Matrix(toRGBNums);
Matrix yIQMatrix = new Matrix(yiq, 3);
//run the linear transformation (matrix multiplication)
linearTransform = linearTransform.times(yIQMatrix);
yiq = linearTransform.getRowPackedCopy();
return yiq;
* converts color from RGB to CIE XYZ color space
* @param rgb - color in RGB space
* @return color in CIE XYZ space
public static double[] RGBtoXYZ (double[] rgb)
//create Matrices
double [][] toXYZNums = {{.412453, .357580, .180423}, {.212671, .715160, .072169}, {.019334, .119193, .950227}};
Matrix linearTransform = new Matrix(toXYZNums);
Matrix rGBMatrix = new Matrix(rgb, 3);
//run the linear transformation (matrix multiplication)
linearTransform = linearTransform.times(rGBMatrix);
rgb = linearTransform.getRowPackedCopy();
return rgb;
* converts color from CIE XYZ to RGB color space
* @param xyz - color in XYZ space
* @return color in RGB space
public static double[] XYZtoRGB (double[] xyz)
//Create Matrices
double [][] toRGBNums = {{3.240479, -1.537150, -0.498535}, {-.969256, 1.875992, .041556}, {.055648, -.204043, 1.057311}};
Matrix linearTransform = new Matrix(toRGBNums);
Matrix xYZMatrix = new Matrix(xyz, 3);
//run the linear transformation (matrix multiplication)
linearTransform = linearTransform.times(xYZMatrix);
xyz = linearTransform.getRowPackedCopy();
return xyz;
* converts color from RGB to CIE Lab color space
* @param rgb - color in RGB space
* @return color in CIE Lab space
public static double[] RGBtoCIELab (double[] rgb)
//start by converting to XYZ colorspace
rgb = RGBtoXYZ(rgb);
//Create variables needed for functions
double ySubN = 100.000;
double xSubN = 95.047;
double zSubN = 108.883;
double uSubN = .2009;
double vSubN = .4610;
/* At this point we use the function f(t)
such that:
f(t) = t^(1/3) t > (6/29)^3
f(t) = (1/3(29/6)^2)t + 4/29 t <= (6/29)^3
for x, y, and z and then plug the resulting number
into a function for L*, a*, and b* as pulled from wikipedia
double functX = rgb[0] / xSubN;
double functY = rgb[1] / ySubN;
double functZ = rgb[2] / zSubN;
if(functX > Math.pow(6.0/29.0, 3.0))
functX = Math.pow(functX, 1.0/3.0);
functX = (1.0/3.0)*(Math.pow(29.0 / 6.0, 2.0)*(functX) + 4.0 / 29.0);
if(functY > Math.pow(6.0/29.0, 3.0))
functY = Math.pow(functY, 1.0/3.0);
functY = (1.0/3.0)*(Math.pow(29.0 / 6.0, 2.0)*(functY) + 4.0 / 29.0);
if(functZ > Math.pow(6.0/29.0, 3.0))
functZ = Math.pow(functZ, 1.0/3.0);
functZ = (1.0/3.0)*(Math.pow(29.0 / 6.0, 2.0)*(functZ) + 4.0 / 29.0);
//using functions from Wikipedia to get L, A, and B
double l = 116.0 * functY - 16;
double a = 500.0 * (functX - functY);
double b = 200.0 * (functY - functZ);
rgb[0] = l; rgb[1] = a; rgb[2] = b;
return rgb;
* converts color from CIE Lab to RGB color space
* @param lab - color in CIE Lab space
* @return color in RGB space
public static double[] CIELabtoRGB (double[] lab)
//Create variables
double x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
double ySubN = 100.000;
double xSubN = 95.047;
double zSubN = 108.883;
double uSubN = .2009;
double vSubN = .4610;
double delta = 6.0 / 29.0;
//Create functions pulled from wikipedia (steps 1-6)
double functY = (lab[0] + 16) / 116.0;
double functX = functY + lab[1] / 500.0;
double functZ = functY - lab[2] / 200.0;
if(functY > delta)
y = ySubN * Math.pow(functY, 3.0);
y = (functY - 16.0/116.0) * 3.0 * Math.pow(delta, 2.0) * ySubN;
if(functX > delta)
x = xSubN * Math.pow(functX, 3.0);
x = (functX - 16.0/116.0) * 3 * Math.pow(delta, 2.0) * xSubN;
if(functZ > delta)
z = zSubN * Math.pow(functZ, 3.0);
z = (functZ - 16.0 / 116.0) * 3 * Math.pow(delta, 2.0) * zSubN;
lab[0] = x; lab[1] = y; lab[2] = z;
//end by converting from xyz to rgb
lab = XYZtoRGB(lab);
return lab;
* converts color from RGB to CIE Luv color space
* @param rgb - color in RGB space
* @return color in CIE Luv space
public static double[] RGBtoCIELuv (double[] rgb)
//start by converting to XYZ
rgb = RGBtoXYZ(rgb);
//Create Variables
double ySubN = 100.000;
double xSubN = 95.047;
double zSubN = 108.883;
double uSubN = .2009;
double vSubN = .4610;
double l = 0, u = 0, v = 0;
double delta = 6.0 / 29.0;
//functions according to wikipedia
double functY = rgb[1] / ySubN;
double uPrime = 4.0 * rgb[0] / (rgb[0] + 15.0 * rgb[1] + 3.0 * rgb[2]); //IE u' = 4x / (x + 15y + 3z)
double vPrime = 9.0 * rgb[1] / (rgb[0] + 15.0 * rgb[1] + 3.0 * rgb[2]);
if(functY > Math.pow(delta, 3.0))
l = 116.0 * Math.pow(functY, 1.0/3.0) - 16.0;
l = Math.pow(29.0 / 3.0, 3.0) * functY;
u = 13.0 * l * (uPrime - uSubN);
v = 13.0 * l * (vPrime - vSubN);
//Toss results into the array
rgb[0] = l; rgb[1] = u; rgb[2] = v;
return rgb;
* converts color from CIE Luv to RGB color space
* @param luv - color in CIE Luv space
* @return color in RGB space
public static double[] CIELuvtoRGB (double[] luv)
//Create Variables
double ySubN = 100.000;
double xSubN = 95.047;
double zSubN = 108.883;
double uSubN = .2009;
double vSubN = .4610;
double x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
//Create functions as per wikipedia's instructions
double uPrime = luv[1] / 13 * luv[0] + uSubN;
double vPrime = luv[2] / 13 * luv[0] + vSubN;
if(luv[0] > 8.0)
y = ySubN * (9.0 * uPrime / 4.0 * vPrime);
y = ySubN * luv[0] * Math.pow(3.0 / 29.0, 3.0);
x = y * (9.0 * uPrime / 4.0 * vPrime);
z = y * ((12.0 - 3.0 * uPrime - 20.0 * vPrime) / 4.0 * vPrime);
//toss the xyz results into the array
luv[0] = x; luv[1] = y; luv[2] = z;
//end by converting from XYZ to RGB
luv = XYZtoRGB(luv);
return luv;
Friday Night Open Thread: Motivation
6 hours ago
You have a bug in your CIELuvtoRGB - in the case of (luv[0] > 8.0), your calculation wrong, and almost identical to your following calculator for x=...
ReplyDeleteHave a gander at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIELUV#The_reverse_transformation
Couldn't find an email address for you; had to create a throwaway Google account. Convenience--
(No idea if the previous comment got through - TypePad had a sulk.)
ReplyDeleteYou have a bug in your CIELuvtoRGB - in the case of (luv[0] > 8.0), your calculation wrong, and almost identical to your following calculator for x=...
Have a gander at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIELUV#The_reverse_transformation
Couldn't find an email address for you; had to create a throwaway Google account. Convenience--
Thanks for the correction; I had been working on this as part of a graphics class. So, I'll probably just leave the code as is with your appended comment.
ReplyDeletehow to execute this code, can any one help me pls