Title: Programming Project 5 - Maze and Creature
Author: Daniel J. Tanner
Class: CS 2420 - Data Abstraction & Problem Solving w/ C++
Date: October 17th, 2005 (latest update)
#include "TannMaze.h"
#include "TannCreature.h"
using namespace std;
//function declarations
void displayGreeting();
int main()
//set variables
Coord start, end;
int width, height;
char choice;
string filename;
TannMaze basicMaze;
TannCreature bob;
bool success;
//Find out if user has a file he'd like to use or if he'd like to
//manually input the data
cout << "Would you like to get the data from a file?:(y/n) "; cin >> choice;
if(toupper(choice) != 'Y')
//get width and height
cout << "input the width: "; cin >> width;
cout << "input the height: "; cin >> height;
//get start and exit
cout << "Please enter the coordinates for the entrance of your\n" << "maze in the form (x y): "; cin >> start.x >> start.y;
cout << "Do the same for the exit: "; cin >> end.x >> end.y;
//adjust for proper array usage
start.x--; start.y--;
end.x--; end.y--;
//generate maze
basicMaze.generateMaze(width, height, start, end);
//get filename
cout << "Please input the name of your file, including the extension: "; cin >> filename;
//generate maze based on file
//create a creature and have it go through the maze after displaying it
cout << "Your maze appears as follows: \n\n";
cout << endl;
//show the solution to the maze:
cout << "The solution to your maze is as follows: \n\n";
success = bob.findExit();
cout << "Unfortunately your maze is unsolveable.\n\n";
cout << endl << endl;
return 0;
void displayGreeting()
cout << "Greetings! This program will generate a maze and provide a solution\n"
<< "should there be one. You can tell the program the width and height\n"
<< "yourself or you can open a file that you've already input the data\n"
<< "into.\n\n";