function [score iter correct falseNeg falsePos unsures] = TestVectorMachine( weight, kernel, labels, bias )
%Test function for vector machien -- takes in a set of training data and
%its labels and tests a given set of alphas and a bias against it
[xn xm] = size(kernel);
[yn ym] = size(labels);
[an am] = size(weight);
%if(xn ~= am || ym ~= xn)
% display('Sorry, this is an idiot proof function. Try again!');
% return;
falseNeg = 0;
falsePos = 0;
unsures = 0;
iter = 0;
for i = 1:xn
fXi = (weight .* labels) * kernel(i,:) + bias;
if (fXi * labels(i)) <= 0
if(fXi > 0)
falsePos = falsePos + 1;
if(fXi < 0)
falseNeg = falseNeg + 1;
if(fXi == 0)
unsures = unsures + 1;
iter = iter + 1;
score = (xn - iter) / xn * 100;
correct = xm - iter;
The Starcaster Chronicles 14.19
2 hours ago
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